“Fall is a reminder change can be beautiful” – unknown
Hi Friends, welcome to my seasonal newsletter, “The Gardener’s Glove”. My intention with this bulletin is to pop into your inbox quarterly to share the latest #careertalk guidance, keep you informed of exclusive programs and sprinkle in a few of my ‘flourishing favorites’ — recommendations for a dose of blooming inspiration: books, podcasts, blogs, recipes and more!
As I’m writing this, I can’t believe it’s already September! September has always felt like a new beginning, not unlike January, although in a lighter way. There’s a spark of energy without pressure. Maybe it’s the crisp in the air or the crunch of the leaves or the golden, stunning scenery. These hints of autumn remind me of transformation. It could be rearranging schedules to align with back to school, or a radical shift in temperatures, or the ever-changing vivid landscape. The signs of transformation surround us in the most nostalgic, lovely and inspiring ways.
Speaking of change and transformation, no doubt 2020 is one for the history books! For myself, leaving a 15+ year corporate career in December 2019 to leap into self-employment was the right decision...although who knew it would be followed by a worldwide pandemic? This was NOT in the plans!
Of course, it’s easy to get engulfed in the pandemic news followed by all manner of doubtful what-ifs. When I find myself in this mode of what-if and worry, I'm reminded that I cannot control the economy or the stock market or the weather for that matter (BTW, it snowed in May!). Focusing on things I have no control over spirals into unproductive thoughts and only compounds the situation, leaving me tired from wasted emotion, time and energy. While I may not be able to change the economy (or the weather!), I can always do something to improve myself and decide to be flexible + adaptable.
Which is why I’m choosing to focus my time on pouring energy and extra effort into supporting you — my community — through this unprecedented time. Whether you’re branching out with a big career change or in need of an updated strategy for a personalized job search or a simple dash of inspiration to spark change, I’m here for you.
As we transition into autumn, a season of change during a year of chaos, I’m focusing on resetting:
- Not fighting the past — but letting it go
- Not rushing to the next shiny thing — choosing to intentionally build the new
- Not getting caught in the what-ifs — instead, proactively stepping forward
Although September 2020 is unique in more ways than one, this year I’m choosing to Reset + Reboot + Level Up. And I invite you to join me.
As F. Scott Fitzgerald elegantly states, “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”

“With crisis comes opportunity. Give yourself permission to pursue the life you have always wanted."
It's not at all surprising that 75% of clients since March have come to me for help because they realized — thanks to the chaos of this year — that time is a precious resource and, unfortunately, it’s easier than ever to waste in today’s world.
A great read about why NOW is the right time to reset & reinvent your career!
In addition to helping clients reinvent their careers, I recently published a blog about leading a virtual team, Is Virtual Our New Reality? Quick Tips for Leading Teams in Our New Reality. I’m excited that this post was selected for the front page of a new publication on Medium — check it out HERE!

September 18, 2020: Webinar — Energize Your Job Search. It’s an honor to be invited by Hiring Our Heroes to host a webinar for military veterans and their spouses across the nation. We’re talking all about igniting the spark and initiating momentum for a purposeful job search!
October 2020: NEW program! Redefine YOU Personal branding workshop. Re-imagine your future, differentiate yourself, and land your next best role!
In my experience supporting hundreds of people with their job search, I’ve found that one of the greatest struggles is talking and writing about yourself. Articulating yourself through an online profile and on one piece of paper is an art and so important in today's saturated job market. Together, we will design your brilliant personal brand + craft a strategic plan to differentiate yourself and catch that hiring manager's attention.
This program will include live classes, weekly office hours with me, access to my bag of tools, and expert support from me throughout the month. It’s over $1,500 in value but I’m offering it to you for only $247!

Autumn is a wonderful time for intentionality resetting your mindset — below are a couple ways to support mindfulness during this season of transition.
- Mindful Mondays — Let’s kick off your week with intention. As we get deeper into autumn, a season known for gratitude, I’m sharing weekly reminders + practices to remain grateful & mindful among the madness of a typical Monday. These tiny reminders will be showcased on my Insta stories each Monday throughout the season
- Resetting after Burnout — I’m excited to have my latest blog post, Blood, Sweat & Careers — A Tribute to Life After Burnout showcased on The Jena Viviano Blog! Click HERE for a glimpse into my personal career story and quick tips for transforming feelings of dismay into feelings of joy
Jenn's Flourishing Favorites
Fall is my favorite time for consuming big bowls of nutritious chili! Check out Bakerita's recipe for a simple + delicious White Bean Vegan Chili
I had so much fun talking with Lisa from Career Clarity about Monitoring and Managing Your Energy at Work on her podcast.
If you're ready to make each day count and especially if you're contemplating a career change or leap to self-employment, Todd Henry's book, Die Empty is a must-read.